Monday, May 16, 2011


Though lots of things happened last week, I would like to highlight one in particular.

My beautiful niece Katie Elizabeth came into the world on Friday! She is adorable and looks just like my brother. So maybe she will look like me when she's older!

Coincidence of coincidences, at exactly the same time that my sister-in-law was pushing this little miracle out, one of my best friends from high school was delivering her son AJ! The babies were born about an hour apart. One was due on the 18th and one on the 19th, and they both came early. It was a very happy day!

In not so happy news, my husband left yesterday and will be gone for a little over 3 weeks. I am using this time to focus on training and get my diet back in order. It has been a crazy few weeks and I have definitely fallen off the wagon when it comes to eating. So far I am doing great, yesterday and today I have stuck to my eating and training plan perfectly. My friend Rachelle also asked me to do Zumba with her on Tuesday and Thursday, and I will be upping my training to 3 runs, bikes, and swims each week. So I am set for workouts as long as I follow the plan!

I'm off to watch more videos of my niece :D

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